Behind the Scenes
Please click on the below photos to receive a
full size image. And, also check out the
photos taken by photographer, Trish Gardiner by going to the Journal
or go to Journal - Blaine, MN Training at the Velodrome from Trish Gardiner,
photographer August 5, 2004

(left) Matt and Lavyn (2 year old) at the Olympic Training Center

Lavyn and Matt the last day of camp before leaving for Athens
a Gatorade smile (Alligator she calls it) and her dad.
Matt's daughter almost 3 months old , carry the Olympic Torch
Pikes Peak Elementary sings "GO FOR
Mark Guerin, Kirk Whiteman and Matt with
Pikes Peak Elementary first graders. Mr. Guerin not only rides tandems
he is a school teacher!
Pikes Peak students say Good luck to
Mark, Kirk, Josh (Pikes Peak Elementary
student), and Matt.
All cyclists need a good massage after
many hours of training...Team King is fortunate to have Gena Guerin
(massage therapist and Mark's wife)!
Mark and Matt training. Coach Tim Roach
is busy helping out with standing starts.
John McAlpine and Matt putting in some
road miles on the Sunday group ride...
Spencer Yates and Matt repair the tandem
before the big race... |
Kirk and Matt are checked out by medical
staff at the 2000 Elite National
Track Cycling Championships in Colorado Springs, Colo. The two suffered
no serious injuries.

Athletic Trainers Lee and Charlie help
Matt to a speedy recovery....
Matt and Mike Grabowski (National Tandem

Johnson busy building orthotics. 
giving Matt some direction. 
From left to right: Garrett Miller, Tanya
Lindenmuth (2000 Olympian) and Ryan Miller.